Research Article

Why are companies moving on towards Product-Service Systems? A framework for PSS drivers

Veridiana Rotondaro Pereira; Aline Sacchi Homrich; Marly Monteiro de Carvalho

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Paper aims: The research aims at identifying the main drivers that motivate companies to adopt PSS towards a framework considering strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Originality: Paper´s relevance comes from the development of a research tool that can be used by other researchers in different PSS research whether related to strategic issues or driven by low environmental impact trends. In addition, PSS drivers construct analysis.

Research method: A survey-based method, with a questionnaire with 30 questions were developed based on previous literature and applied to 85 executives, qualified to answer questions specifically related to the driven forces towards PSS, from different industries in Brazil. The survey data was analyzed by structural equation modeling.

Main findings: The results identified six main drivers: competitive advantage, portfolio, co-creation, co-production, integrated solution, and environmental sustainability. Besides, a framework looking at the integration of these six drivers is discussed in a three-level perspective strategic, tactical, and operational.

Implications for theory and practice: The paper could support organizations that are aiming at being a PSS provider by providing a better understand of the main drivers for moving towards product-service system solutions and it provides empirical support for the effects of hybrid models in manufacturing companies.


Business drivers, PSS, Servitization, Research instrument


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