Research Article

Management and governance structure of technology transfer megaprojects in emergency contexts: a case study of the megaproject Oxford/AstraZeneca/Fiocruz Covid-19 vaccine

Priscila Ferraz Soares; Mauricio Zuma Medeiros; Jaqueline Lilge Abreu; Fabio Henrique Ferreira dos Santos Gonçalez; Fabio Sartori Piran

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Paper aims: We analyze in this study the management and governance structure of technology transfer in megaprojects under an emergency context.

Originality: We analyze an emergency health megaproject's management and governance structure. There is a dearth of studies that explore the management and governance structure of combination megaprojects in emergencies. We focus on analyzing the literature and the management and governance structure in the technology transfer, production, and supply of the Covid-19 vaccine. We then develop a reference model for building the management and governance structure of megaprojects in emergencies.

Research method: We conducted a case study in Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz. From the case study, we can analyze real situations that contribute to the development of theories. For this, we systematically reviewed the literature to identify how the megaproject management structure has been used. We interviewed stakeholders of the Oxford/AstraZeneca/Fiocruz vaccine megaproject against Covid-19 and triangulated these data by collecting corresponding documents.

Main findings: We conclude that the management and governance structure of the Oxford/AstraZeneca/Fiocruz vaccine technology transfer, production, and supply megaproject was appropriate. Since this structure should not be reproduced faithfully due to its specific characteristics, we developed a reference model for structure building in emergencies. This model can support institutions and governments in structuring management and governance in critical situations.

Implications for theory and practice: The knowledge obtained from this study will contribute to determining management and governance structures for future megaprojects, especially in emergencies.


Vaccine, COVID-19, Megaprojects, Project management and governance


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