Research Article

Methodological concerns in case-based research in industrial engineering: revisiting the challenges towards further recommendations

Paulo Augusto Cauchick-Miguel; Thayla Tavares Sousa-Zomer; Guilherme Tortorella

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Paper aims: This paper addresses difficulties among the Brazilian scholarly community in industrial engineering (IE) when conducting case-based research. It also provides further recommendations to increase methodological rigour.

Originality: The paper contributes to the practice of case research by providing a historical perspective of research methodology in Brazil and offering guidance to improve case research adoption as well as the methodological rigour.

Research method: The main challenges when conducting case research were first identified through a literature review. Then, an exploratory survey with Brazilian scholars was conducted to identify challenges perceived by those. Recommendations are then provided, especially regarding the data analysis stage. The recommendations are discussed in the light of the existing literature and based on authors’ experience in conducting qualitative research.

Main findings: Difficulties when conducting case research identified by scholars can be classified in three ‘Aquila’s hells’: (i) weak theoretical background, (ii) careless case study design/planning; and (iii) fragile/uncertain data analysis. Suggestions to improve the data analysis process consist of building a narrative, data reduction, improving coding, etc. Improving validity is also necessary.

Implications for theory and practice: The recommendations are especially meaningful to early-stage researchers and provide guidance to improve robustness when conducting case research.


Case research, Case study, Research methodology


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