Research Article

Multicriteria negotiation model for selecting sustainable suppliers’ problem in the agribusiness

Over Manuel Montes Causil; Danielle Costa Morais

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Paper aims: The objective of this research is to propose a multicriteria negotiation model for selecting a sustainable packaging supplier in the food industry. The model aims to minimize the environmental, social and economic impacts of the production process of plastic while ensuring the operational criteria of packaging.

Originality: Despite the high number of scientific research using multicriteria decision-making suggested to select a supplier, the proposed negotiation model is innovative as it includes green manufacturing as a criterion for negotiation, alongside price and delivery time, to promote sustainable supply chain management.

Research method: The research method involves three stages: pre-negotiation, negotiation (based on FITradeoff), and post-agreement. The proposed model is illustrated using a case study of a Colombian slaughterhouse that needs to select a sustainable packaging supplier for the next two years.

Main findings: The main findings indicate that the proposed model that uses the FITradeoff for negotiation solves the problem of selecting sustainable packaging suppliers while promoting sustainable supply chain management in the agribusiness sector.

Implications for theory and practice: The model has implications for both theory and practice. It encourages interdependent companies to collaborate and enhances efficiency in greener terms for supply chains, buyer and seller firms. The proposition of an original integrative negotiation protocol for selecting sustainable suppliers in agribusiness can provide enterprises with a set of negotiation parameters to achieve successful sustainable supply chain management.


Multicriteria negotiation model, Decision support, Food supply chain, FITradeoff procedure


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