Research Article

Drivers and barriers for the traceability digitalisation in the Australian construction supply chain

Guilherme Luz Tortorella; Declan Cox; Wen Li; Alistair Barros

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Paper aims: We investigate the drivers and barriers for the traceability digitalisation of the Australian construction supply chain.

Originality: There is a growing interest in the construction industry for embracing digital technologies. Nevertheless, the digital transition in construction industry is still slow, especially for addressing material traceability.

Research method: An exploratory-empirical study was conducted in which we performed the following steps: (i) definition of selection criteria; (ii) semi-structured interviews with 26 experts (academics, practitioners and stakeholders); and (iii) content analysis and propositions.

Main findings: Results allowed the identification of the most critical drivers and barriers for such traceability digitalisation, being consolidated in a conceptual framework that characterises the early and late adopters of digital technologies in the construction supply chain.

Implications for theory and practice: In theoretical terms, when considering the barriers/challenges, the degree to which the digital traceability's results are visible to the adopters seems to be an important issue, being able to impair the digitalisation of the construction supply chain. From a practical perspective, the more companies advance in the traceability digitalisation, the more aware they will become regarding its drivers/benefits and barriers/challenges. Nevertheless, some highly critical drivers/benefits and barriers/challenges were equally perceived by both early and late adopters.


Traceability, Digital transformation, Construction, Supply chain management


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