Thematic Section - Production Engineering leading the Digital Transformation

Industry 4.0 at Brazilian modular consortium: work, process and knowledge in engine supply chain

Jorge Muniz Junior; Giovanni Pessin Moschetto; Daniel Wintersberger

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Paper aims: This paper aims to discuss Industry 4.0 (I4.0) impacts on the Brazilian Modular Consortium (BMC) assembly lines related to work - issues correlated with human resources; production - physical resources used in production process; knowledge - associated with creation and sharing of knowledge.

Originality: Findings explore I4.0 research opportunities related to work and human factors on assembly lines. In lieu of gaps in literature, this research further discusses management challenges to support digital transformation and impacts on workers and organizations.

Research method: A case study on Engine Value Chain (EVC) of BMC, which includes MWM, engine manufacturer; Powertrain, engine assembler at BMC; Volkswagen Truck & Bus, BMC responsible. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four senior managers responsible for I4.0 implementation. Responses were treated via content analysis.

Main findings: The interviewees highlight work and human factors as important for I4.0 implementation, which include workers tasks, skills, nature of work, human resource development, hiring process and organizations strategies. It was also found that knowledge sharing poses a huge challenge.

Implications for theory and practice: The findings contribute with academic interest on work, production and knowledge impacts on assembly lines, and with practitioners on issues related to I4.0 implementation.


Industry 4.0, Brazilian Modular Consortium, Work, Knowledge Management, Production


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