Thematic Section - Production Engineering leading the Digital Transformation

FaMoSim: a facilitated discrete event simulation framework to support online studies

Milena Silva de Oliveira; Carlos Henrique dos Santos; Gustavo Teodoro Gabriel; Fabiano Leal; José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi

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Paper aims: To propose a framework to support online simulation studies considering facilitated modeling and concepts of modern industry context, such as agility and flexibility.

Originality: Since the frameworks in the literature deal with simulation projects focused on healthcare and face-to-face meetings, the present work innovates by offering an agile and flexible guide for simulation projects in production systems, which also supports online interventions.

Research method: Action Research method was used to develop the framework. After its development, the FaMoSim (Facilitated Modeling Simulation) framework was applied in a real case to evaluate its applicability.

Main findings: In the application of FaMoSim, we achieved the framework's objectives: carrying out a faster (up to 3 months) and more flexible online modeling process; creating a simple computer model that does not require a complex data collection structure nor a specialist team; generating a better understanding of the process and assisting the stakeholders in identifying improvements.

Implications for theory and practice: Considering some challenges that prevent the expansion of DES studies, the framework assists in expanding DES studies in environments where it is not widely used. The framework supports online interventions, making it an interesting tool that can be used mainly in times of social distancing.


Facilitated modeling, Industry 4.0, Framework, Online intervention


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