Research Article

Industry 4.0 technologies and Lean Office: perspectives to Smart Office

Alex Almeida dos Santos; Lucas Schmidt Goecks; Luísa Müller Pereira; Bruna Strapazzon do Couto; André Luis Korzenowski

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Paper aims: Due to the scarcity of research that approaches the Lean Office in conjunction with Industry 4.0 Technologies, this article aims to discuss, understand and analyze the associations between these two concepts, as well as identify gaps to be explored.

Originality: This research contributes with guidelines for applying Industry 4.0 Technologies in administrative areas and possibilities of an association with the Lean for the development of the Smart Office.

Research method: Based on a systematic review of the literature, with a basic purpose, a descriptive objective, and qualitative data, a framework for developing the Smart Office is presented.

Main findings: An association model between Lean Office tools and Industry 4.0 Technologies is provided. It even classifies and addresses the impact and trends in administrative environments so that managers can develop the Smart Office.

Implications for theory and practice: Industry 4.0 technologies have been widely discussed in companies that seek to improve processes, mainly industries; however, there are still few applications in administrative environments. The applicability and association of new technologies for Smart Office can explore future studies and contribute to the growth of these areas in addition to the creation of new articles relating to technologies in this environments.


Lean Office, Industry 4.0 technologies, Smart Office, Framework, Literature review


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