Research Article

The government as an inducer of the automotive industry: propositions for Brazilian automotive sector

Valter Silva Ferreira Filho; Maurício César Delamaro; Fernando Augusto Silva Marins; Henrique Martins Rocha

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Paper aims: This paper aims to create propositions that would be a guide the future construction of an industrial policy capable of rebuilding the Brazilian automotive industry (IAB) through the creation of demand by scrappage policy.

Originality: This paper is based on more than 470 IAB representatives’ answers, C-Level/Senior Executives, converting experience and empiric perspectives in scientific knowledge.

Research method: Hypothetical-Deductive research were conducted applying survey as procedure and Delphi Method as technique, using electronic tools to collect data, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches in statistical data analysis.

Main findings: Were identified a consensus among IAB representatives and literature evidences about scrappage policy as an engine regarding sustenance of automotive industry and the need for rules that guide national competitiveness key factors.

Implications for theory and practice: The paper theoretical and practice implications are provide subsidies to future sectorial policies based on empirical experience of more than 470 IAB representatives.


Automotive industry, New developmentalism, Industrial policy


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