Research Article

Developing and prioritizing lean key performance indicators for plastering supply chains

Ana Carolina de Oliveira; Wesley Douglas Oliveira Silva; Danielle Costa Morais

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Paper aims: The aim of this study was to propose a hybrid approach to develop and prioritize the indicators which should be used to monitor the development of plastering supply chains while using lean manufacturing practices.

Originality: This approach proposed the integration of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) - a multi-perspective tool for performance evaluation and strategic planning, and FITradeoff for the ranking problematic – a multicriteria method that features a robust axiomatic structure and uses partial information.

Research method: The results showed that the approach provided a set of indicators to assist the company’s manager to monitor and improve the company's competitiveness and sustainability.

Main findings: The results showed that the approach was able to provide a set of KPIs to assist the company’s manager to monitor and improve the plastering company management in terms of competitiveness and sustainability.

Implications for theory and practice: The results allowed evaluation of important issues for the strategic, economic, and environmental stability in complex business environments.


Balanced Scorecard, FITradeoff, Lean Manufacturing


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