Research Article

Social Network Analysis in disaster management

Angela Cabral Flecha; Renata Albergaria Bandeira; Vania Barcellos Gouvêa Campos; Alcides Volpato Castro Silva; Adriana Leiras

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Paper aims: This paper aims the use of Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an assessment tool to answer the following research questions: (i) Who are the actors in Humanitarian Operations Networks (HON)?; and (ii) Which actors exert influence on HON?

Originality: This paper proposes the use of SNA in a different context, bringing new technics to the field of humanitarian logistics.

Research method: Multiple methodological tools are used such as UCINET, Cytoscape, and EXCEL® to apply SNA in the Brazilian context of sudden-onset natural disaster-response operations.

Main findings: This application validates the consistency of using SNA to assess HON, besides validating the stakeholder relationship model of the Public, Private, and People sectors in disaster-response operations.

Implications for theory and practice: Results show strong participation of the public sector in disaster-response operations in Brazil, indicating the need for greater engagement from civil society. Besides, the proposed method can be adopted in the context of any other country.


Humanitarian operations, Disasters, Social Network Analysis


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