Systematic Review

Digital competences of the industrial engineer in industry 4.0 a systematic vision

Walter Rosas Quintero

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Paper aims: Propose digital skills that industrial engineers must possess to face the industry 4.0 challenges, through the integration of technological strategies and people in complex processes that transform factories, cities, and organizations into smart and flexible ones.

Originality: Due to the lack of clarity in the existing literature, this research aims to reframe the role of industrial engineers to face the industry evolution.

Research method: A systematic review of the publications made between 2016 and 2021 in indexed databases was carried out. After filtering, the selected articles were analyzed and compared to answer the aim of the work.

Main findings: There is no consensus on the digital skills required for industrial engineers to face the industry 4.0 challenges.

Implications for theory and practice: The technological strategies, pillars of industry 4.0, are in constant change, forcing us to rethink future research on the digital skills demanded by industrial engineering professionals.


Industrial Engineer, Digital skills, Industry 4.0, Smart organizations


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