Research Article

A fuzzy multicriteria group decision approach for circular business models prioritization

Rafael Ferro Munhoz Arantes; Lucas Gabriel Zanon; Lucas Daniel Del Rosso Calache; Ana Carolina Bertassini; Luiz César Ribeiro Carpinetti

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Paper aims: Presents a new group decision approach for circular business models (CBMs) prioritization based on circular economy (CE) principles and indicators.

Originality: It was not found in the literature quantitative approaches to indicate which CBMs can be prioritized towards CE implementation.

Research method: Fuzzy AHP is applied to calculate the weights of the CE principles. Fuzzy TOPSIS is used to rank the CBMs. A pilot application demonstrates the applicability of the proposed approach.

Main findings: To perform equally on all dimensions of the circularity indicators, recovery by-products have a greater impact on CE implementation. Focusing on economic indicators, Product as a Service and Recovery By-Products should receive priority. Focusing on social indicators, Product as a Service is the most recommended CBM.

Implications for theory and practice: It was identified the CBMs that are most suitable for performance improvement regarding CE implementation, according to the organization’s dominant CE principles.


Circular economy, Circular Business Models, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS


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