Research Article

A system dynamics model for sustainable corporate strategic planning

Mauricio Becerra-Fernandez; Liliana Elizabeth Ruiz-Acosta; David Andres Camargo-Mayorga; Mario Andrés Muñoz

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Paper aims: This paper presents a manufacturing process model for assessing the effects on economic, social, and environmental targets, given variations on corporate strategies of production, innovation, marketing, and demand for final goods.

Originality: The model integrates economic, social, and environmental dimensions that are validated through three main scenarios: Business as Usual (no strategic application), Business as Investment (strategic application), and Business as Vision (changes in demand).

Research method: The model estimates the social, environmental, and economic performance through time based on the System Dynamics methodology.

Main findings: The results demonstrate the model's suitability as a decision-support tool for sustainability planning in a corporate environment.

Implications for theory and practice: The model facilitates the analysis of the effects of resource allocation on corporate strategy.


Corporate strategic planning, Sustainability, System dynamics, Modeling


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