Research Article

The mediating role of socialization in the relationship between interdepartmental integration and product portfolio performance

Laura Maria Rafael; Sergio Luis da Silva

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Paper aims: Analyze the relationship among interdepartmental integration (IDI), socialization, and product portfolio performance (PPP), mainly the effect of socialization’s mediation on the relationship between the other two constructs.

Originality: No study has related both IDI and socialization for improving PPP, with the aim of overcoming the information absence and flow in this portfolio management. This work offers an alternative when compared to past studies, which is the importance of socialization for product portfolio’s success.

Research method: Survey with 131 most innovative companies in Brazil. Results were provided by PLS-SEM.

Main findings: IDI has direct effect on socialization and no direct effect on PPP, besides the mediation of socialization is confirmed. Furthermore, IDI presents indirect effect on PPP.

Implications for theory and practice: Socialization’s mediation opens space for other theories that can be beneficial to the product portfolio. Furthermore, Managers can prioritize IDI’s actions to potentialize PPP through socialization.


Product Portfolio Management, Socialization, Interdepartmental Integration, PLS-SEM, Mediating effect


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