Thematic Section - Production Engineering leading the Digital Transformation

A Production System for the auto parts industry with elements of Industry 4.0

Fabrício Carlos Schmidt; André Luis Korzenowski; Lucas Schmidt Goecks; Ismael Becker Gomes; Vanderlei Giovani Benetti

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Paper aims: considering that the fourth industrial revolution can be a primary engine for process innovation, this research proposes a 4.0 Production System applicable to the auto parts industry.

Originality: the study’s relevance is observed from the assimilation of practical issues with the scientific process for constructing a 4.0 Production System for the sector in question.

Research method: this research is structured from a real case study, proposing an artifact from Design Science Research.

Main findings: the results obtained provided a competitive advantage to the company, with a reduction of 23% in lead time, 16% in HM/Fuel Tank, 55% in WIP, and 38% in the total distance traveled by operators, in addition to an ROI of 9.22%.

Implications for theory and practice: the practical application of the artifact showed that its use is viable; however, to extract the maximum potential, it is suggested to insert it into the company's culture.


Mass production, Toyota Production System, Volvo Production System, Hyundai Production System, Operational Performance


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