Research Article

Multivariate analysis of public transport quality: a case study in a medium-sized Brazilian city

Marianna Lucinda de Oliveira; Laryssa de Andrade Mairinque; Júlia Barros dos Santos; Josiane Palma Lima

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Paper aims: This study aimed to analyze how the satisfaction level of public transport (PT) users is influenced by their socioeconomic characteristics.

Originality: The analysis of how socioeconomic variables influence the satisfaction level through the association between MANOVA and exploratory analysis is still not explored, especially in Brazil and in medium-sized cities, which represent the majority of Brazilian cities.

Research method: Data collection was carried out by questionnaire in a Brazilian city. The 330 users of PT evaluated their satisfaction level concerning 12 quality indicators. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson's correlation and MANOVA.

Main findings: Most socioeconomic variables influenced user satisfaction in at least one indicator, gender and schooling being the most prominent. The results showed that women’s mean level of satisfaction is lower than men’s concerning indicators affected by gender. Fare was the indicator with the worst score, being influenced by users’ occupation.

Implications for theory and practice: The study presents practical and methodological contributions. The results provides technical and scientific subsidies for public policies and service improvement. It possible to improve each indicator according to the users’ socioeconomic characteristics, encouraging the use of PT and contributing to the urban environment sustainability.


Bus service, Satisfaction level, Socioeconomic characteristics, Quality Indicators, Multivariate analysis of variance


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