Research Article

Command and control system management: a perspective of disaster response actors in Brazil

Andreia Escudeiro; Estevão Escudeiro; Leandro Oliveira Silva; Renata Albergaria de Mello Bandeira; Leonardo Pinho Souza; Adriana Leiras; Raphael Tavares Oliveira

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Paper aims: This paper analyzes Command and Control (C2) Systems and identifies the level of knowledge on the subject by actors involved in disaster response operations in Brazil, besides assessing the evolution in this area since the disaster of the Serrana Region of Rio de Janeiro in 2011.

Originality: The concept of C2 is still little explored academically, especially in disaster management systems. This study contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of different C2 Systems operated in Brazil, as well as identifying the level of knowledge on the subject and its evolution since 2011.

Research method: This is an exploratory survey in which data was analyzed using descriptive statistics techniques.

Main findings: We conclude that the actors involved in real disaster situations have little formal training in C2. The findings indicate that the performance of a simulated exercise helps in disaster preparedness, but the participants observed deficiencies concerning C2 training besides the lack of local community involvement in the simulated exercise.

Implications for theory and practice: This study contributes to the disaster management literature, showing empirical evidence that the results obtained in a simulated exercise can boost the specialization of professionals in C2 systems in the area of disasters.


Command and control, Command and control systems, System management, Disaster response


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