Systematic Review

A PRISMA-driven systematic review of data mining methods used for defects detection and classification in the manufacturing industry

Blanka Bártová; Vladislav Bína; Lucie Váchová

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Paper aims: This research aims to analyze the primary studies published in recent years focusing on defect detection or classification in manufacturing and extract information about frequently used data mining (DM) methods, their accuracy, strengths, and limitations.

Originality: Industrial production is now undergoing a dynamic transformation in the context of Industry 4.0, where implementation of data mining is a frequently discussed topic, and such an overall summary is missing.

Research method: In this study, the PRISMA-driven systematic literature review is combined with the approach defined by Kitchenham (2004).

Main findings: The most frequently used data mining methods for defect detection are Bayesian network (BN) and Support vector machine (SVM). Besides previously mentioned methods, the Decision trees (DT) and Clustering are often used for defect classification. Neural Networks (NN) use is common for both defect detection and classification. DT, together with the Genetic algorithm (GA) and SVM, achieved the highest average accuracy. Recently, authors often combine different DM methods, and also methods for data dimensionality reduction are often used.

Implications for theory and practice: This study contributes to the quality management literature by extending a summary of recently used DM methods for defect detection and classification. This summary can help researchers choose a suitable method and build models for achieving its research purpose.


Data mining, Defect, Detection, Classification, Manufacturing


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