Thematic Section - Advances in Production Research

Interoperable data extraction and information enrichment system to support smart manufacturing: an experimental application on CNC machining lines of a healthcare product

Sofia Tonon Helena; Victória Romaguera Silva Camargo; Thomas Victor Belfort Amaral; Anderson Luis Szejka; Athon Francisco Curi Staben de Moura Leite; Matheus Beltrame Canciglieri

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Paper aims: This research develops an expert system for interoperable data acquirement and information enrichment in the manufacturing lines of a healthcare product, ensuring the correct data and information sharing and supporting the decision-making process.

Originality: The research contributes to creating and developing a novel method of knowledge representation that systematises the data collection and creates semantic relationships that allow the analysis of the productive performance of healthcare product manufacturing through semantic rules and inference engines.

Research method: The Interoperable Data Extraction and Information Enrichment system 4.0 (IDEIEs 4.0) was developed using an ontological approach and experimentally applied in an implantable Vascular Access Catheterindicated production process, which involves a machining controlling process.

Main findings: The developed system application pointed out the reduction of human mistakes in the data collecting, errors in the production control and data loss due to the digital automatic and interoperable collection process that brings precision in data collection and security in their storage.

Implications for theory and practice: The solution presented here can be used as a starting point for new directions of research to support the decision-making process with extra and formalised information, improving product quality, flexibilities the manufacturing process and reducing the time wasted.


Industry 4.0, Healthcare Product, Data Collecting, Semantic Interoperability, Machining


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