Thematic Section - Advances in Production Research

Group multicriteria method to prioritize actions in failure mode and effects analysis

José Francisco Zanazzi; José Luis Zanazzi; Daniel Pontelli

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Paper aims: The FMEA method (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) has difficulty in prioritizing actions, verifying agreements among group participants and assessing uncertainty. This paper overcomes these shortcomings. The proposal applies FMEA in traditional format, establishes priorities for improvement actions, updates them periodically with better criteria than the traditional ones and values group agreement.

Originality: Other contributions claim to change the method, but this is not accepted by the organizations that apply it. In addition, they propose individual approaches, when the FMEA is essentially group-based. In contrast, this proposal establishes priorities without altering the basic requirements of the FMEA.

Research method: An action-research approach is used.

Main findings: Ease of application, improved group learning and commitment to action plans are confirmed.

Implications for theory and practice: A new group decision-making method is applied and a flexible solution is proposed, adaptable to very diverse problems.


Process approach, Corrective actions management, Group decision making, Multicriteria decision support


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