Research Article

Technology prioritization framework to adapt maintenance legacy systems for Industry 4.0 requirement: an interoperability approach

André Luiz Alcântara Castilho Venâncio; Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures; Fernando Deschamps; Alvaro dos Santos Justus; Alysson Felipe Lumikoski; Guilherme Louro Brezinski

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Paper aims: Aiming to avoid an inefficient digital transformation, the present work proposes a framework that will provide companies with a strategy to implement technologies to legacy systems of maintenance.

Originality: Such a framework was produced through a series of strategic analyses using multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods.

Research method: These analyses are composed of three steps. First, reviewing the literature of industry 4.0 and interoperability, combining the RAMI4.0 architecture and Framework for Enterprise Interoperability (FEI). Second, by exploring technics of maturity assessments, addressing systems attributes and requirements. Third, reviewing the literature of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and recent maintenance technologies applications.

Main findings: The results confirm that such a framework can support the adequacy of legacy systems that are part of digital transformation projects.

Implications for theory and practice: To test the proposed framework, a multinational industrial entity belonging to the automotive sector was selected for a case study.


Industry 4.0, Industrial maintenance, Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods, Interoperability, Digital transformation


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