Research Article

Green Supply Chain Practices: a comprehensive and theoretically multidimensional framework for categorization

Jairo José Assumpção; Lucila Maria de Souza Campos; Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour; Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour; Diego Alfonso Vazquez-Brust

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Abstract: Paper aims: The main objective of this work is to integrate a typology of green supply chain management practices with organizational theories.

Originality: We provide a comprehensive typology of GSCM practices based on empirical evidence and conceptual arguments.

Research method: Through a systematic review we identified 435 GSCM’s practices that were organized into categories according to their theoretical conception, organizational context and characteristics.

Main findings: We identified three organizational context dimensions (innovation, performance and management) and proposed a conceptual model of theory-practice-context congruence, to guide the selection of theories for the design of research and analyses of GSCM practices.

Implications for theory and practice: Our main contribution is the alignment of each category of practices and organizational dimension with the selected theoretical lenses that can help future investigations to deepen the analysis of GSCM practices. Besides the theoretical contributions, we believe this contribution can also achieve practitioners.


Environmental issues, Sustainability, Practice, GSCM


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