Research Article

Assessment of Lean implementation in Hotels’ supply chains

Guilherme Luz Tortorella; Maria Victória Lins Lange Rosa; Rodrigo Caiado; Daniel Nascimento; Rapinder Sawhney

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Abstract: Paper aims: This article aims at investigating the implementation level of Lean Supply Chain (LSC) practices in hotels’ supply chains.

Originality: The proposed method allows to characterize LSC implementation in such an unusual context, identifying improvement opportunities and checking for discrepancies in their implementation.

Research method: Six different supply chains of high-quality hotels were analyzed through semi-structured interviews. Interviewees played key roles in their purchasing departments and presented large experience in the hospitality sector.

Main findings: Results were consolidated and for each case attributes were assigned to measure the implementation level of ten practices. Implementation scores were compared to a perceived average importance degree in order to verify convergences and divergences between the desired and actual improvement initiatives.

Implications for theory and practice: The applicability of LSC practices in services still needs further exploration. In the hospitality sector, whose evidence is even scarcer, this study provides a more holistic approach enabling a deeper understanding of the necessary adaptation for a successful implementation.


Lean supply chain, Hospitality sector, Lean production


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