Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good

Medical centers location and specialists’ allocation: a healthcare planning case study

João Flávio de Freitas Almeida; Luiz Ricardo Pinto; Samuel Vieira Conceição; Francisco Carlos Cardoso de Campos

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Abstract: Paper aims: To set the locations of new medical centers to meet the population’s secondary care needs, the additional number of specialists, equipment, and an installation sequence at municipalities.

Originality: We developed descriptive cost functions models and adopted aggregate data from official sources to set parameters of an integrated MILP model.

Research method: A case study at the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

Main findings: For every scenario, the recommended locations set centers dispersed over the state area, in cities with the minimum required infrastructure. We also propose a scenario of secondary care network re-design and demonstrate the reduced cost of such a strategy.

Implications for theory and practice: To automate the decision process, we developed a web-based system, providing flexibility and scientific-based results. Finally, we propose a sequence for installing 43 new medical centers and improving the capacity of 27 existing infrastructure based on equality principles.


Public healthcare planning, Facility location, Mixed integer linear programming


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