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A relationship model for factors influencing knowledge transfer between NPD teams

Alejandro Germán Frank; Néstor Fabián Ayala; Mariano Corso; José Luis Duarte Ribeiro

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Abstract: Paper aims: To define a model that describes the relationship among the main factors influencing knowledge transfer (KT) between new product development (NPD) teams.

Originality: We offer a systemic vision of the relationship between the KT factors. All main KT factors are analyzed together considering the interdependence among them.

Research method: KT factors from the literature were used for the model development, which was accomplished through a quantitative evaluation of scholars and practitioners. To test the model, a practical assessment was conducted in five firms using regression analysis.

Main findings: The model describes the relationships of 15 main factors and it can be used for practical assessments or for future theoretical studies.

Implications for theory and practice: The model can help practitioners to use knowledge of their teams for continuous innovation in NPD. It allows to perform diagnoses of the KT factors in the specific context of a given firm.


New product development. Knowledge management. Knowledge transfer. Knowledge sharing.


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