Research Article

Suppliers' network analysis under the perspective of structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness: an exploratory study

Guilherme Rotta Capioto; Danilo Hisano Barbosa; Juliana Sayuri Kurumoto; Syntia Lemos Cotrim

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Abstract: Paper aims: To analyze and characterize a supplier network under the analytical perspective of structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness.

Originality: Analysis of a network of suppliers in a soft drink industry using Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques.

Research method: The case study was used as a research strategy. The analysis of structural perspectives, relational and cognitive embeddedness and their respective variables were considered, as well as measures of centrality and density of the network of suppliers.

Main findings: The analysis allowed to establish the characteristics of the network of suppliers regarding structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness and their respective variables. However, it should be noted that the manuscript addresses a single case study, and it is not possible to generalize the results obtained.

Implications for theory and practice: The findings of this paper can be used as a basis to understand how to use the main metrics of social network analysis to investigate the structural, relational and cognitive characteristics of a company and your network.


Enterprise networks, Supplier management, Embeddedness


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