Research Article

A review of required features for a disaster response system on top of a multi-criteria decision: a Brazilian perspective

Eckhardt, Daniel; Leiras, Adriana

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Abstract: Paper aims: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current Brazilian Integrated Disaster Information System (S2iD), designed to qualify and give transparency to the disaster management in Brazil.

Originality: Providing an analysis of the system features and its prioritization, this paper can also serve as a reference for implementing software for disaster response.

Research method: To enable the S2iD evaluation, the research considers a triangulation method that includes literature review, disaster response tool assessment and a multi-criteria decision model based on interviews with specialists.

Main findings: The study could define and prioritize the most critical functionalities for a disaster response system. On top of it, four new features (Information Security, Multiuser, Donor Evaluation, History Database) not previously documented in the literature were defined as necessary to a disaster management system.

Implications for theory and practice: The detailed findings indicate ways of improvement for the S2iD.


Humanitarian logistics, Disaster response, Software system, Multi-criteria decision-making, S2iD


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