Research Article

Modification of Haessler’s sequential heuristic procedure for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with setup cost

Mateus Martin; Antonio Moretti; Marcia Gomes-Ruggiero; Luiz Salles Neto

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Abstract: Paper aims: We propose a modified Sequential Heuristic Procedure (MSHP) to reduce the cutting waste and number of setups for the One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with Setup Cost.

Originality: This heuristic modifies Haessler’s sequential heuristic procedure (1975) by adapting the Integer Bounded Knapsack Problem to generate cutting patterns, instead of the original lexicographic search employed. The solution strategy is to generate different cutting plans using MSHP, and then to use an integer programming model to seek even better results.

Research method: It is a axiomatic research, ordinary in studies of Operational Research.

Main findings: In the computational experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm with two sets of benchmark instances by comparing it with other approaches, and obtaining better solutions for some scenarios.

Implications for theory and practice: The approach is suitable for practitioners from different industrial settings due to its easily coding and possible adaptation for problem extensions.


Cutting stock, Problem, Setup costs, Heuristics


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