Research Article

The use of ICT tools to support collaborative product development activities: evidences from Brazilian industry

Enrique, Daisy Valle; Ayala, Néstor Fabián; Lima, Mateus José do Rêgo Ferreira; Marodin, Giuliano Almeida; Gzara, Lilia; Frank, Alejandro Germán

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims to understand the relationship between Information & Communication Technology (ICT), collaborative New Product Development (NPD) and customer satisfaction (NPD performance).

Originality: We target the relationship between ICT, collaborative NPD and NPD performance. ICT is assessed as a set of specific tools adopted by the companies.

Research method: We test the mediating role of collaborative practices in the effect of ICT tools on customer satisfaction (as NPD performance) by means of a survey of 105 Brazilian firms.

Main findings: Collaboration with customers and suppliers has an important role for customer satisfaction and the use of ICT has significant effect on NPD performance through the mediating role of collaborative practices.

Implications for theory and practice: Implementing only ICT tools is not enough to achieve higher level of success in NPD. Managers should first strength the relationship between stakeholders and then adopt ICT tools to support the cooperation.


Collaborative practices, Information and communication technologies, New product development


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