Research Article

World Café method integrated with QFD for obtaining the Voice of the Customer

Jair Gustavo de Mello Torres; Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto

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Abstract: Paper aims: Investigate the results of the use of the World Café method as a tool to assist the capture of the Voice of the Customer, in a curricular discipline that works with ABPj (Project-Based Learning).

Originality: As the authors have not found in the literature the application of the World Café method integrated to QFD.

Research method: Teachers and the coordination of a Logistics course worked together on the application of the method, following the five major phases of the action research, which are: diagnosis, planning, action, evaluation and learning.

Main findings: The method allowed to establish the most important personal characteristics needed to develop the pedagogical projects, from the point of view of the students.

Implications for theory and practice: The findings of this work can be used as a basis to understand how to engage students in pedagogical logistics projects.


Quality function deployment. ABPj. Entrepreneurship. Prioritization.


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