Research Article

Lecture capture and learner engagement strategies for industrial engineering distance education: results of a pilot program

Jenner, Alicia; Helwig, Michael; Ruffer, Arlette

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Abstract: Paper aims: This study examines issues affecting the efficacy of online course delivery using lecture capture technology. This form of instruction presents particular challenges when classes are comprised of a mix of students who participate synchronously and asynchronously.

Originality: The study examines a pilot program focused on improving the delivery of lecture capture courses, providing a framework for the implementation of similar programs at other institutions.

Research method: Program feedback as to the quality of the learning experience is obtained from the instructor, as well as from both synchronous and asynchronous online learners.

Main findings: The results provide insights into how students engage with the instructor and with one another in a lecture capture setting. Effective instructional practices are also identified.

Implications for theory and practice: The results provide important insights that can enhance the delivery of courses utilizing lecture capture technology across a range of educational contexts.


Lecture capture, Distance education, Learner engagement


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