Research Article

Interorganizational relationships in the Brazilian construction industry supply chain

Krainer, Christiane Wagner Mainardes; Krainer, Jefferson Augusto; Romano, Cezar Augusto

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper identifies variables that differentiate the relationship between small and medium-sized construction companies and suppliers; and impact the integration of the supply chain of the construction sector with the aim of obtaining performance gains.

Originality: The data was collected through a questionnaire to two specific groups of business: small and medium-sized construction and suppliers.

Research method: Survey with a sample of 50 construction companies and 50 suppliers. Through the discriminant analysis it was possible to identify the variables related to the relationship between construction companies and suppliers which distinguish more both groups of business.

Main findings: The biggest points of divergence are: operational relationship, degree of commitment with the product cycle, expectation of compliance with the agreement and pressure for a rise in quality.

Implications for theory and practice: The researched companies are not committed with the performance of the supply chain in the sector.


Buyer-supplier relationships, Supply management, Providers, Construction companies


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