Research Article

A model-based Decision Support System for multiple container terminals hub management

Facchini, Francesco; Boenzi, Francesco; Digiesi, Salvatore; Mummolo, Giovanni

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Abstract: Paper aims: To develop a model-based Decision Support System (DSS) that allows identifying the best strategy of the inter-/intra-terminal flows of the containers in order to increasing the performance of the hub under economic and environmental perspective.

Originality: The adoption of a dry port can effectively solve the congestion problem of a terminal only if an integrated sustainable solution (dry port location and container strategy storage) is identified.

Research method: The model is based on a heuristic computational algorithm for non-linear programming.

Main findings: The application of DSS to a full-scale numerical case show the model capabilities in identifying the optimal logistic strategies ensuring a low CF and in optimizing the cost due to transport activities.

Implications for theory and practice: It is possible to identify different strategies allowing to obtain an eco-friendly solution reducing, at same time, the costs for a given number of containers to be handled.


Sustainable logistics, Container terminal, Dry port, Carbon footprint, Material handling


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