
Complementarity in the adoption of traceability of beef cattle in Brazil

Vinholis, Marcela de Mello Brandão; Souza Filho, Hildo Meirelles de; Carrer, Marcelo José; Barioni Junior, Waldomiro; Chaddad, Fabio Ribas

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Complementarity is an interesting approach to explain technology adoption. Taking account the other activities the farm performs in its production strategy can help understanding the decision on the adoption of new agricultural technology. This paper aims to evidence the existence of synergic effect resulting from the joint adoption of feedlot and traceability certification of beef cattle in Brazil. A sample of 84 beef cattle farms provided data to test hypotheses by using an OLS regression model. A measure of performance – revenue – is regressed on variables representing both isolated and joint adoption of capital-intensive production system and traceability. The results suggest the existence of synergic effect when joint adoption takes place. Joint adoption is influenced by a set of management practices, such as forward contracts, training of employees and zootechnical performance control, which are shared by both capital-intensive production systems and traceability.


Technology diffusion, Technology adoption, Agriculture, Capital-intensive production system


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