
Environmental management maturity of local and multinational high-technology corporations located in Brazil: the role of business internationalization in pollution prevention

Maialle, Giovanna; Jabbour, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa; Arantes, Ariana Fernandes; Jabbour, Charbel José Chiappetta

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This paper identifies and characterizes the environmental maturity level of local and multinational high-technology corporations located in Brazil. This characterization is achieved by discussing the adoption of environmental management practices and considering aspects of the productive process stage. An eight-case study was conducted through data triangulation using interviews with employees in diverse organizational areas, direct observations and secondary data. The results indicate the differences in environmental positioning among the studied corporations with a predominance of preventive practices, i.e., an emphasis on eco-efficiency and compliance with legislation. It was also noted that environmental concerns in the corporations are related to internationalization and, in some cases, to the pressure exerted by corporations that represent the brand of the products produced in Brazil. Moreover, the adoption of environmental practices based on the productive process stage supported the environmental maturity classifications of the studied companies.


Maturity stages. Environmental management. High-technology sector. Brazil.


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