
Challenges of the expansive1 use of Building ­Information Modeling (BIM) in construction projects

Kerosuo, Hannele; Miettinen, Reijo; Paavola, Sami; Mäki, Sami

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Building information modeling (BIM) is an emerging modeling technology which challenges existing work procedures and practices in the construction industry. In this article we study the challenges, problems and potential expansions of BIM as a tool in the design, construction and operation of buildings. For this purpose the interfaces between different parties are examined in Finnish construction projects. The methodological approach of the study is culturalhistorical activity theory, according to which a new artifact becomes a mediating instrument when the participatory subjects reconfigure the entire activity. The implementation of BIM is now spreading from the design activity to other phases of the construction projects, but its use is still limited in the projects’ other three interfaces. BIM is an evolving set of software developed for various purposes which is locally ‘combined’ to fit the circumstances and capabilities of the stakeholders of the construction process.


Building Information Modeling. Social interfaces. Cultural-historical activity. Expansive learning. Life-cycle project.


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