Logics of fluency in the transformation of the Finnish rail traffic control network
Seppänen, Laura; Ala-Laurinaho, Arja; Piispanen, Päivi
Production, vol.25, n2, p.278-288, 2015
Due to the international demands of competition and organizational changes, the tasks of rail traffic control in Southern Finland have been divided into those run by public agencies and those run by private companies (train operators). The working routines and collaboration have changed during this period of transition. To better understand the reasons for diversity in the actions and solutions of everyday work, this paper examines how fluency, a common objective of networks, is maintained or pursued in network collaboration. The analysis shows how the logics of fluency differ between operative and situational disturbance-handling design levels. We elaborate and discuss the developmental possibilities embedded in the analysis of logics.
Fluency. Logics. Rail traffic control. Network collaboration.
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Duarte, F., & Lima, F. (2012). Anticiper l’activité par les configurations d’usage : proposition méthodologique pour conduite de projet. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 9(2), 22-47. Retrieved from http://www. activites.org/sommaires/v9n2.html
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Engeström, Y. (2008). From teams to knots: activity- theoretical studies of collaboration and learning at work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi. org/10.1017/CBO9780511619847
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Knorr-Cetina, K., & Bruegger, U. (2001). Transparency regimes and management by content in global organizations: the case of institutional currency trading. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5(2), 180-194. http://dx.doi. org/10.1108/13673270110695487
Launis, K., & Pihlaja, J. (2007). Changes in production concepts emphasize problems in work-related well-being. Safety Science, 45, 603-619. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. ssci.2007.01.006
Lenior, D., Janssen, W., Neerinx, M., & Schreibers, K. (2006). Human factors engineering for smart transportation: Decision support for car drivers and train traffic control. Applied Ergonomics, 37, 479-490. Pmid:16765905. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2006.04.021
Norros, L., & Savioja, P. (2004). Ihmisen ja tekniikan välisen vuorovaikutuksen toimivuuden arviointi monimutkaisissa tietointensiivisissä töissä. Työ ja ihminen, 18(3), 110-112.
Owen-Smith, J., & Powell, W. W. (2008). Networks and institutions. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, K. Sahlin & R. Suddaby (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London: SAGE Publications. http:// dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781849200387.n26
Piispanen, P., Ala-Laurinaho, A., Heikkilä, H., & Seppänen, L. (2012, May). With Activity Theory to better understanding of risks: the case of rail traffic control network. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP 2012), Bilbao, Spain. PMid:22886999 PMCid:PMC3485915.
Rogalski, J. (1999). Decision making and dynamic risk management. Cognition, Technology and Work, 1(4), 247-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/ s101110050021
Seppänen, L., A. Ala-Laurinaho, Heikkilä, H., & Piispanen, P. (2011). Kuinka verkoston lähikehitystä tutkitaan? Esimerkkinä rautateiden liikenteenohjaus. In Työelämän tutkimuspäivät 2010: Työn tuottavuus + työelämän laatu – mahdollisuus vai mahdottomuus? (pp. 152- 164). Tampere: Tampereen Yliopisto. (Työelämän tutkimuspäivien konferenssijulkaisuja, 2/2011).
Thornton, P. H., & Ocasio, W. (2008). Institutional logics. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, K. Sahlin & R. Suddaby (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London: SAGE Publications. http://dx.doi. org/10.4135/9781849200387.n4
Virkkunen, J. (2007). Collaborative development of a new concept for an activity. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 4(2), 158-164.
Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. (2007). Managing the unexpected: resilient performance in an age of uncertainity. John Wiley & Sons.
Ala-Laurinaho, A., Heikkilä, H., Piispanen, P., & Seppänen, L. (2012). Verkostomuutos, solmutyöskentely ja työhyvinvointi raideliikenteenohjauksessa. Sujut- hankkeen loppuraportti. Liikenneviraston tutkimuksia ja selvityksiä 17/2012. Helsinki: Liikennevirasto. Retrieved from http://www2.liikennevirasto.fi/julkaisut/pdf3/ lts_2012-17_verkostomuutos_solmutyoskentely_web. pdf
Barley, S. R., & Tolbert, P. S. (1997). Institutionalization and structuration: studying the links between action and institution. Organization Studies, 18(1), 93-117. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1177/017084069701800106
Béguin, P., & Cerf, M. (2004). Formes et enjeux de l’analyse de l’activité pour le conception des systèmes de travail. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 1(1).
Bergström, H. (2011). Fluency experiences in knowledge- intensive individual work and collaboration. Helsinki: Aalto University School of Science. Retrieved from http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2011/isbn9789526041414/ isbn9789526041414.pdf
Binder, C. (1996). Behavioral fluency: evolution of a new paradigm. Behavior Analyst, 19(2), 163-197. PMid:22478257 PMCid:PMC2733609.
Clot, Y. (2009). Clinic of activity: the dialogue as an instrument. In A. Sannino & H. Daniels & K. Gutiérrez (Eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory (pp. 286-302). Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press.
Daniellou, F. (2007). Simulating future work activity is not only a way of improving workstation design. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 4(2), 84-90. Retrieved from http:// www.activites.org/v4n2/v4n2.pdf
Diefenbach, T., & Sillince, J. A. A. (2011). Formal and informal hierarchy in different types of organization. Organization Studies, 32(11), 1515-1537. http://dx.doi. org/10.1177/0170840611421254
Duarte, F., & Lima, F. (2012). Anticiper l’activité par les configurations d’usage : proposition méthodologique pour conduite de projet. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 9(2), 22-47. Retrieved from http://www. activites.org/sommaires/v9n2.html
Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding. An activity- theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit.
Engeström, Y. (2008). From teams to knots: activity- theoretical studies of collaboration and learning at work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi. org/10.1017/CBO9780511619847
Farrington-Darby, T., Wilson, J. R., Norris, B. J., & Clarke, T. (2006). A naturalistic study of railway controllers. Ergonomics, 49 (12-13), 1370-1394. PMid:17008261. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00140130600613000
Finnish Transport Agency - FTA (2013). Railway network maintenance. Helsinki. (Transport Infrastructure data of the Finnish Transport Agency 3/2011). Retrieved from http://portal.liikennevirasto.fi/sivu/www/e/maintenance/ railway_network_maintenance
Fields, B., Amaldi, P., & Tassi, A. (2005). Representing collaborative work: the airport as common information space. Cognition, Technology and Work, 7, 119-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10111-005-0177-3
Folcher, V., & Rabardel, P. (2005). Hommes, artefacts, activités: perspective instrumentale. In P. Falzon (Ed.), Ergonomie (pp. 251-268). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Heikkilä, H. (2012). Understanding and promoting work careers and well-being in changing work: new insights from developmental work research and the developmental dialogue method. Helsink: European Group for Organization Studies.
Kalliomäki-Levanto, T. (2009). Keskeytykset ja katkokset työn etenemisessä: edeltävät tekijät, epäjatkuvuusolosuhteet ja niistä selviytyminen tietotyössä. Helsinki: Työterveyslaitos. (Työ ja ihminen Tutkimusraportti, 36).
Knorr-Cetina, K., & Bruegger, U. (2001). Transparency regimes and management by content in global organizations: the case of institutional currency trading. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5(2), 180-194. http://dx.doi. org/10.1108/13673270110695487
Launis, K., & Pihlaja, J. (2007). Changes in production concepts emphasize problems in work-related well-being. Safety Science, 45, 603-619. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. ssci.2007.01.006
Lenior, D., Janssen, W., Neerinx, M., & Schreibers, K. (2006). Human factors engineering for smart transportation: Decision support for car drivers and train traffic control. Applied Ergonomics, 37, 479-490. Pmid:16765905. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2006.04.021
Norros, L., & Savioja, P. (2004). Ihmisen ja tekniikan välisen vuorovaikutuksen toimivuuden arviointi monimutkaisissa tietointensiivisissä töissä. Työ ja ihminen, 18(3), 110-112.
Owen-Smith, J., & Powell, W. W. (2008). Networks and institutions. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, K. Sahlin & R. Suddaby (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London: SAGE Publications. http:// dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781849200387.n26
Piispanen, P., Ala-Laurinaho, A., Heikkilä, H., & Seppänen, L. (2012, May). With Activity Theory to better understanding of risks: the case of rail traffic control network. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP 2012), Bilbao, Spain. PMid:22886999 PMCid:PMC3485915.
Rogalski, J. (1999). Decision making and dynamic risk management. Cognition, Technology and Work, 1(4), 247-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/ s101110050021
Seppänen, L., A. Ala-Laurinaho, Heikkilä, H., & Piispanen, P. (2011). Kuinka verkoston lähikehitystä tutkitaan? Esimerkkinä rautateiden liikenteenohjaus. In Työelämän tutkimuspäivät 2010: Työn tuottavuus + työelämän laatu – mahdollisuus vai mahdottomuus? (pp. 152- 164). Tampere: Tampereen Yliopisto. (Työelämän tutkimuspäivien konferenssijulkaisuja, 2/2011).
Thornton, P. H., & Ocasio, W. (2008). Institutional logics. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, K. Sahlin & R. Suddaby (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London: SAGE Publications. http://dx.doi. org/10.4135/9781849200387.n4
Virkkunen, J. (2007). Collaborative development of a new concept for an activity. @ctivités revue éléctronique, 4(2), 158-164.
Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. (2007). Managing the unexpected: resilient performance in an age of uncertainity. John Wiley & Sons.