Formulações matemáticas e estratégias de resolução para o problema job shop clássico
Mathematical models and resolution strategies for the classical job shop problem
Morales, Sergio Gomez; Ronconi, Debora Pretti
Production, vol.26, n3, p.614-625, 2016
O problema de sequenciamento de tarefas no ambiente de produção job shop se caracteriza por conter n tarefas que devem ser processados por m máquinas, em que cada tarefa a ser realizada é constituída por um roteiro específico de operações com ordem de precedência preestabelecida. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise comparativa das formulações matemáticas para este ambiente, minimizando o tempo total de execução de todas as tarefas em todas as máquinas (makespan). Modelos conhecidos e um novo modelo são avaliados e comparados através de testes computacionais em problemas-teste da literatura. Adicionalmente, estratégias de resolução são propostas. Experimentos computacionais utilizando um software comercial conhecido indicam que as estratégias propostas são eficientes para a redução do gap de otimalidade.
Job shop. Programação da produção, Makespan, Modelos de programação linear inteira mista.
The scheduling problem in a job shop production environment is characterized by containing n jobs to be processed by m machines, where each job is represented by a specific sequence of operations with an established precedence order. The aim of this work is to perform a comparative analysis of the mathematical formulations for this environment by minimizing the makespan, i.e., the total time to complete all n jobs. Popular models and a proposed model are compared and evaluated through computational tests using cases from the literature. In addition, resolution strategies are proposed. Computational experiments using a well-known commercial software package indicate that the proposal strategies can promote a reduction of the optimality gap.
Job shop, Scheduling, Makespan, Mixed integer linear programming models.
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Arenales M., Armentano, V. A., Morabito, R., & Yanasse, H. H. (2007). Pesquisa operacional. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
Armentano, V. A., Ronconi, D. P., Scrich, C. R., & Shiguemoto, A. L. (2013). Busca tabu: implementação de estratégias de memórias de curto e longo prazo. In H. S. Lopes, L. C. A. Rodrigues & M. T. A. Steiner (Orgs.), Meta-heurísticas em pesquisa operacional (pp. 367-384). Curitiba: Omnipax.
Baker, K. R. (1974). Introduction to sequencing and scheduling. Operations Research, 23, 62-73.
Baker, K. R., & Keller, B. (2010). Solving the single machine sequencing problem using integer programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 59(4), 730-735.
Baker, K. R., & Trietsch, D. (2009). Principles of sequencing and scheduling. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Beasley, J. E. (2012). OR-Library. Recuperado em 11 de julho de 2014, de
Chang, Y. L., Sueyoshi, T., & Sullivan, R. S. (1996). Ranking dispatching rules by data envelopment analysis in a job shop environment. IIE Transactions, 28, 631-642.
French, S. (1982). Sequencing and scheduling: an introduction to the mathematics of the job shop. Chichester: Horwood.
Garey, M., Johnson, D., & Sethi, R. (1976). The complexity of flowshop and jobshop scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research, 1(2), 117-129.
International Business Machines. (2014a). Branch and cut in CPLEX. Recuperado em 11 de julho de 2014, de
International Business Machines. (2014b). Setting the initial solution. Recuperado em 11 de julho de 2014, de
Koné, O., Artigues, C., Lopez, P., & Mongeau, M. (2013). Comparison of mixed integer linear programming models for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with consumption and production of resources. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(1-2), 25-47.
Lawrence, S. (1984). Resource constrained project scheduling: an experimental investigation of heuristic scheduling techniques (Relatório técnico). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University.
Liao, C. J., & You, C. T. (1992). An improved formulation for the job shop scheduling problem. Operational Research Society, 11(11), 1047-1054.
Mainieri, G., & Ronconi, D. P. (2013). New heuristics for total tardiness minimization in a flexible flowshop. Optimization Letters, 7(4), 665-684.
Manne, A. S. (1960). On the job shop scheduling problem. Operations Research, 8(2), 219-223.
Öncan, T., Altinel, I. K., & Laportec, G. (2009). A comparative analysis of several asymmetric traveling salesman problem formulations. Computers & Operations Research, 36(3), 637-654.
Pan, C. H. (1997). A study of integer programming formulations for scheduling problems. International Journal of System Science, 28(1), 33-41.
Pham D.-N. (2008). Complex job shop scheduling: formulations, algorithms and healthcare application (Tese de doutorado). University of Fribourg, Suiça.
Pinedo, M. (2008). Theory, algorithms and systems. New York: Springer.
Raman, R., & Grossmann, I. E. (1994). Modelling and computational techniques for logic based integer programming. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 18(7), 563-578.
Ravindran, A., Phillips, D. T., & Solberg, J. J. (1987). Operations research: principles and practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Ronconi, D. P., & Birgin, E. G. (2012). Mixed-Integer programming models for flow shop scheduling problems minimizing the total earliness and tardiness, in Just-in-Time systems. In Y. A. Ríos-Solís & R. Z. Ríos-Mercado (Eds.), Springer series on optimization and its applications (pp. 91-105). New York: Springer.
Stafford, E. F., Tseng, F. T., & Gupta, J. N. D. (2004). Comparative evaluation of MILP flow shop models. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(1), 88-101.
Wagner, H. M. (1958). An integer linear programming model for machine scheduling. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 6(2), 131-140.
Wilson, J. M. (1989). Alternative formulations of flow shop scheduling problem. Operational Research Society, 4(4), 395-399.