Research Article

Analyzing the competences of production engineering graduates: an industry perspective

Santos, Patrícia Fernanda dos; Simon, Alexandre Tadeu; Guimarães, Gil Eduardo; Amorim, Marlene; Vieira Junior, Milton

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Abstract: This paper aims at conducting an analysis the competences of production engineering graduates, building on an industry view. To this end, we conducted a survey addressing 103 medium and large companies within the Brazilian manufacturing industry. The results suggest that companies do recognize the importance of competences. Some gaps in the competences of graduates were also pointed out by respondents. This study suggests the need for the development of efforts for providing the production engineer with a better professional background. The links between university and industry are likely to contribute towards such direction, notably as a starting point for institutions and industries to foster their student’s competences, aiming their aptitude for an ever-competitive job market, which values the flexible, creative being, who is capable of creating innovative solutions.



Transversal competences, Technical competences, Production engineer, Industries


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