
Metodologias para seleção de fornecedores: uma revisão da literatura

Supplier selection methodologies: a literature review

Viana, Joana Coelho; Alencar, Luciana Hazin

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A crescente participação do fornecedor na perfomance geral da contratante tem tornado as organizações mais exigentes na escolha de seus contratados, o que ocasionou a incorporação de uma diversidade de critérios de avaliação ao processo decisório. A relevância e complexidade da decisão de contratação, por sua vez, têm incentivado a busca por novas ferramentas e técnicas de seleção de fornecedores. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa realizou uma revisão literária dos trabalhos desenvolvidos relacionados ao tema, na qual foram analisados artigos publicados entre os anos de 1998 e 2011. A partir dessa revisão foi possível identificar as tendências e lacunas da literatura recente, oferecendo aos interessados direcionamento para futuras aplicações e/ou aperfeiçoamentos.


Seleção de fornecedores. Processo decisório


Driven by the increasing supplier’s involvement in the overall performance of the purchaser, companies have become more demanding in their choices, which led to the incorporation of a variety of evaluation criteria in the decision making process. The importance and complexity of the hiring decision, in turn, have encouraged the search for new tools and techniques for vendor selection. The present study conducted a literature review of works related to the topic, where articles published between 1998 and 2011 were analyzed. This review has identified trends and gaps of the recent literature, offering insights to interested parties for further application and/or improvements.


Supplier. Supplier selection. Decision process


ALENCAR, L. H.; ALMEIDA, A. T. Multicriteria decision group model for the selection of suppliers. Pesquisa Operacional, v. 28, n. 2, p. 321-337, 2008.

ALENCAR, L. H.; ALMEIDA, A. T.; MOTA, C. M. M. Sistemática proposta para seleção de fornecedores em gestão de projetos. Gestão e Produção, v. 14, n. 3, p. 477-487, 2007.

ALMEIDA, A. T. Multicriteria Decision Making on Maintenance: Spares and Contracts Planning. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 129, n. 2, p. 235-241, 2001.

AMID, A.; GHODSYPOURA, S. H.; O'BRIEN, C. Fuzzy multiobjective linear model for supplier selection in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 104, p. 394-407, 2006.

AMID, A.; GHODSYPOURA, S. H.; O'BRIEN, C. A weighted max-min model for fuzzy multi-objective supplier selection in a supply chain. International Journal Production Economics, v. 131, p. 139-145, 2011.

AKSOY, A.; ÖZTÜRK, N. Supplier selection and performance evaluation in just-in-time production environments. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 6351-6359, 2011.

ARAZ, C.; OZKARAHAN, I. Supplier evaluation and management system for strategic sourcing based on a new multicriteria sorting procedure. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 106, p. 585-606, 2007.

BARLA, S. B. A case study of supplier selection for lean supply by using a mathematical model. Logistics Information Management, v. 16, n. 6, p. 451-459, 2003.

BORAN, F. E. et al. A multi-criteria intuitionistic fuzzy group decision making for supplier selection with TOPSIS method. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 36, p. 11363-11368, 2009.

BURT, D. N.; DOBLER, D. W.; STARLING, S. L. World Class Supply Management: The key to Supply Chain Management. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

BUTTHA, K. S.; HUQ, F. Supplier selection problem: a comparison of total cost of ownership and analytic hierarchy process approaches. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 7, n. 3, p. 126-135, 2002.

BÜYÜKÖZKAN, G.; ÇIFÇI, G. A novel fuzzy multi-criteria decision framework for sustainable supplier selection with incomplete information. Computers in Industry, v. 62, p. 164-174, 2011.

CARMO, B. B. T.; BARROS NETO, J. F.; DUTRA, N. G. S. Análise do impacto nos custos de transporte de um modelo de seleção de fornecedores baseado em variáveis socioambientais e de competitividade. Produção, v. 21, n. 3, p. 466-483, 2011.

CAUCHICK MIGUEL, P. A. Estudo de caso na engenharia de produção: estruturação e recomendações para sua condução. Produção, v. 17, n. 1, p. 216-229, 2007.

CHAN, F. T. S.; KUMAR, N. Global supplier development considering risk factors using fuzzy extended AHP-based approach. Omega, v. 35, p. 417-431, 2007.

CHE, Z. H.; WANG, H. S. Supplier selection and supply quantity allocation of common and non-common parts with multiple criteria under multiple products. Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 55, p. 110-133, 2008.

CHEN, C. C. A model for customer-focused objective-based performance evaluation of logistics service providers. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, v. 20, n. 3, p. 309-322, 2008.

CHEN, T. Y.; WANG, H. P.; LU, Y. Y. A multicriteria group decision-making approach based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: A comparative perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 7647-7658, 2011.

CHEN, Y. J. Structured methodology for supplier selection and evaluation in a supply chain. Information Sciences, v. 181, p. 1651-1670, 2011.

CHENA, C. T.; LINB, C. T.; HUANG, S. F. A fuzzy approach for supplier evaluation and selection in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 102, p. 289-301, 2006.

CHOYA, K. L.; LEEA, W. B.; LO, V. Design of a case based intelligent supplier relationship management system - the integration of supplier rating system and product coding system. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 25, p. 87-100, 2003.

CRAMA, Y.; PASCUAL, J. P.; TORRES, A. Optimal procurement decisions in the presence of total quantity discounts and alternative product recipes. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 159, p. 364-378, 2004.

CROOM, S. et al. Supply chain management: an analytical framework for critical literature review. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 6, p. 67-83, 2000.

DAHER, S. F. D.; ALMEIDA, A. T. Recent patents using group decision support systems: A Short Review. Recent Patents on Computer Science, v. 3, p. 81-90, 2010.

DE BOER, L.; LABRO, E.; MORLACCHI, P. A review of methods supporting supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 7, n. 2, p. 75-89, 2001.

DE BOER, L.; WEGEN, L. V.; TELGEN, J. Outranking methods in support of supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 4, p. 109-118, 1998.

DEGRAEVE, Z.; ROODHOOFT, F. Effectively selecting suppliers using total cost of ownership. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 35, n. 1, p. 5-10, 1999.

DICKSON, G.W. An analysis of vendor selection systems and decision. Journal of Purchasing, v. 2, n. 1, p.5-17, 1966.

DOHEL, N. Vendor selection and order quantity allocation in volume discount environments. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 8, n. 4, p. 335-342, 2003.

DULMIN, R.; MININNO, V. Supplier selection using a multi-criteria decision aid method. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 9, p. 177-187, 2003

ERNST, R.; KAMRAD, B.; ORD, K. Delivery performance in vendor selection decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 176, p. 534-541, 2007

FORZA, C. Survey research in operations management: a process-based perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 22, n. 2, p. 152-194, 2002.

FAZLOLLAHTABAR, H. et al. A multi-objective decision-making process of supplier selection and order allocation for multi-period scheduling in an electronic market. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 52, p. 1039-1052, 2011.

GHODSYPOUR, S. H.; O'BRIEN, C. A decision support system for supplier selection using an integrated analytic hierarchy process and linear programming. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 56-57, p. 199-212, 1998.

GÖL, H.; ÇATAY, B. Third-party logistics provider selection: insights from a Turkish automotive company. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 12, n. 6, p. 379-384, 2007.

GUARNIERIA, P.; HATAKEYAMA, K. Formalização da logística de suprimentos: caso das montadoras e fornecedores da indústria automotiva brasileira. Produção, v. 20, n. 2, p. 186-199, 2010.

HAERY, A. et al. Application of Association Rule Mining in Supplier Selection Criteria. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, v. 3, p. 358-362, 2008.

HANDFIELD, R. et al. Applying environmental criteria to supplier assessment: A study in the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 141, p. 70-87, 2002.

HUMPHREYSA, P. et al. Integrating design metrics within the early supplier selection process. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 13, p. 42-52, 2007.

JAYARAMAN, V.; SRIVASTAVA, R.; BENTON, W. C. Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation: A Comprehensive Model. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 35, n. 2, p. 50-58, 1999.

JOLAI, F. et al. Integrating fuzzy TOPSIS and multi- period goal programming for purchasing multiple products from multiple suppliers. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 17, p. 42-53, 2011.

KAKOURIS, A. P.; POLYCHRONOPOULOS, G.; BINIORIS, S. Outsourcing decisions and the purchasing process: a systems-oriented approach. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, v. 24, n. 7, 2006

KRAUSE, D. R.; PAGELL, M.; CURKOVIC, S. Toward a measure of competitive priorities for purchasing. Journal of Operations Management, v. 19, p. 497-512, 2001.

LEE, A. H. I. A fuzzy supplier selection model with the consideration of benefits, opportunities, costs and risks. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 36, p. 2879-2893, 2009.

LEVARY, R. R. Ranking foreign suppliers based on supply risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 12, n. 6, p. 392-394, 2007.

LIAO, C. N.; KAO, H. P. An integrated fuzzy TOPSIS and MCGP approach to supplier selection in supply chain management. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 10803-10811, 2011.

LIAOA, Z.; RITTSCHER, J. A multi-objective supplier selection model under stochastic demand conditions. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 105, p. 150-159, 2007.

LIU, J.; DING, F.; LALL, V. Using data envelopment analysis to compare suppliers for supplier selection and performance improvement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 5, n. 3, p. 143-150, 2000.

LIN, T.; CHENG, Y; HUANG, M. The impact of supplier selection factor between supply chain management and human resource development. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND INFORMATION, 2008, Seoul. Proceedings... ATISR, 2008. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 22 jan. 2009.

MARTIN, C. The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in Volatile Markets. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 29, n. 1, p. 37-44, 2000.

McDERMOTT, C.; HANDFIELD, R. Concurrent development and strategic outsourcing: do the rules change in Breakthrough innovation? The Journal of High Technology Management Research, v. 11, n. 1, p. 35-57, 2000.

MEADE, L.; SARKIS, J. A conceptual model for selecting and evaluating third-party reverse logistics providers. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 7, n. 5, p. 283-295, 2002.

MURALIDHARAN, C.; ANANTHARAMAN, N.; DESHMUKH, S. G. A MuIti-Criteria Group Decisionmaking for Supplier Rating. The Joumal of Supply Chain Management, v. 38, n. 4, p. 22-33, 2002.

NARASIMHAN, R.; TALLURI, S.; MENDEZ, D. Supplier Evaluation and Rationalization via Data Envelopment Analysis: An Empirical Examination. The Jounal of Supply Chain Managemenrt, v. 37, n. 3, p. 28-37, 2001.

NEUMANN, C. S. R.; RIBEIRO, J. L. D. Desenvolvimento de fornecedores: um estudo de caso utilizando a troca rápida de ferramentas. Produção, v. 14, n. 1, p. 44-53, 2004.

NG, W. L. An efficient and simple model for multiple criteria supplier selection problem. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 186, p. 1059-1067, 2008.

OZKOK, B. A.; TIRYAKI, F. A compensatory fuzzy approach to multi-objective linear supplier selection problem with multiple-item. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 11363-11368, 2011.

PEREIRA, G. M. et al. Comparando flexibilidade no produto, custos e velocidade de desenvolvimento na indústria da moda chinesa e brasileira. Produção, v. 21, n. 1, p. 27-38, 2011.

PERUCIA, A.; BALESTRIN, A.; VERSCHOORE, J. Coordenação das atividades produtivas na indústria brasileira de jogos eletrônicos: hierarquia, mercado ou aliança? Produção, v. 21, n. 1, 2011.

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ALENCAR, L. H.; ALMEIDA, A. T.; MOTA, C. M. M. Sistemática proposta para seleção de fornecedores em gestão de projetos. Gestão e Produção, v. 14, n. 3, p. 477-487, 2007.

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BUTTHA, K. S.; HUQ, F. Supplier selection problem: a comparison of total cost of ownership and analytic hierarchy process approaches. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 7, n. 3, p. 126-135, 2002.

BÜYÜKÖZKAN, G.; ÇIFÇI, G. A novel fuzzy multi-criteria decision framework for sustainable supplier selection with incomplete information. Computers in Industry, v. 62, p. 164-174, 2011.

CARMO, B. B. T.; BARROS NETO, J. F.; DUTRA, N. G. S. Análise do impacto nos custos de transporte de um modelo de seleção de fornecedores baseado em variáveis socioambientais e de competitividade. Produção, v. 21, n. 3, p. 466-483, 2011.

CAUCHICK MIGUEL, P. A. Estudo de caso na engenharia de produção: estruturação e recomendações para sua condução. Produção, v. 17, n. 1, p. 216-229, 2007.

CHAN, F. T. S.; KUMAR, N. Global supplier development considering risk factors using fuzzy extended AHP-based approach. Omega, v. 35, p. 417-431, 2007.

CHE, Z. H.; WANG, H. S. Supplier selection and supply quantity allocation of common and non-common parts with multiple criteria under multiple products. Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 55, p. 110-133, 2008.

CHEN, C. C. A model for customer-focused objective-based performance evaluation of logistics service providers. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, v. 20, n. 3, p. 309-322, 2008.

CHEN, T. Y.; WANG, H. P.; LU, Y. Y. A multicriteria group decision-making approach based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: A comparative perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 7647-7658, 2011.

CHEN, Y. J. Structured methodology for supplier selection and evaluation in a supply chain. Information Sciences, v. 181, p. 1651-1670, 2011.

CHENA, C. T.; LINB, C. T.; HUANG, S. F. A fuzzy approach for supplier evaluation and selection in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 102, p. 289-301, 2006.

CHOYA, K. L.; LEEA, W. B.; LO, V. Design of a case based intelligent supplier relationship management system - the integration of supplier rating system and product coding system. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 25, p. 87-100, 2003.

CRAMA, Y.; PASCUAL, J. P.; TORRES, A. Optimal procurement decisions in the presence of total quantity discounts and alternative product recipes. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 159, p. 364-378, 2004.

CROOM, S. et al. Supply chain management: an analytical framework for critical literature review. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 6, p. 67-83, 2000.

DAHER, S. F. D.; ALMEIDA, A. T. Recent patents using group decision support systems: A Short Review. Recent Patents on Computer Science, v. 3, p. 81-90, 2010.

DE BOER, L.; LABRO, E.; MORLACCHI, P. A review of methods supporting supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 7, n. 2, p. 75-89, 2001.

DE BOER, L.; WEGEN, L. V.; TELGEN, J. Outranking methods in support of supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 4, p. 109-118, 1998.

DEGRAEVE, Z.; ROODHOOFT, F. Effectively selecting suppliers using total cost of ownership. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 35, n. 1, p. 5-10, 1999.

DICKSON, G.W. An analysis of vendor selection systems and decision. Journal of Purchasing, v. 2, n. 1, p.5-17, 1966.

DOHEL, N. Vendor selection and order quantity allocation in volume discount environments. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 8, n. 4, p. 335-342, 2003.

DULMIN, R.; MININNO, V. Supplier selection using a multi-criteria decision aid method. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 9, p. 177-187, 2003

ERNST, R.; KAMRAD, B.; ORD, K. Delivery performance in vendor selection decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 176, p. 534-541, 2007

FORZA, C. Survey research in operations management: a process-based perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 22, n. 2, p. 152-194, 2002.

FAZLOLLAHTABAR, H. et al. A multi-objective decision-making process of supplier selection and order allocation for multi-period scheduling in an electronic market. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 52, p. 1039-1052, 2011.

GHODSYPOUR, S. H.; O'BRIEN, C. A decision support system for supplier selection using an integrated analytic hierarchy process and linear programming. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 56-57, p. 199-212, 1998.

GÖL, H.; ÇATAY, B. Third-party logistics provider selection: insights from a Turkish automotive company. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 12, n. 6, p. 379-384, 2007.

GUARNIERIA, P.; HATAKEYAMA, K. Formalização da logística de suprimentos: caso das montadoras e fornecedores da indústria automotiva brasileira. Produção, v. 20, n. 2, p. 186-199, 2010.

HAERY, A. et al. Application of Association Rule Mining in Supplier Selection Criteria. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, v. 3, p. 358-362, 2008.

HANDFIELD, R. et al. Applying environmental criteria to supplier assessment: A study in the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 141, p. 70-87, 2002.

HUMPHREYSA, P. et al. Integrating design metrics within the early supplier selection process. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 13, p. 42-52, 2007.

JAYARAMAN, V.; SRIVASTAVA, R.; BENTON, W. C. Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation: A Comprehensive Model. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 35, n. 2, p. 50-58, 1999.

JOLAI, F. et al. Integrating fuzzy TOPSIS and multi- period goal programming for purchasing multiple products from multiple suppliers. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, v. 17, p. 42-53, 2011.

KAKOURIS, A. P.; POLYCHRONOPOULOS, G.; BINIORIS, S. Outsourcing decisions and the purchasing process: a systems-oriented approach. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, v. 24, n. 7, 2006

KRAUSE, D. R.; PAGELL, M.; CURKOVIC, S. Toward a measure of competitive priorities for purchasing. Journal of Operations Management, v. 19, p. 497-512, 2001.

LEE, A. H. I. A fuzzy supplier selection model with the consideration of benefits, opportunities, costs and risks. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 36, p. 2879-2893, 2009.

LEVARY, R. R. Ranking foreign suppliers based on supply risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 12, n. 6, p. 392-394, 2007.

LIAO, C. N.; KAO, H. P. An integrated fuzzy TOPSIS and MCGP approach to supplier selection in supply chain management. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 10803-10811, 2011.

LIAOA, Z.; RITTSCHER, J. A multi-objective supplier selection model under stochastic demand conditions. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 105, p. 150-159, 2007.

LIU, J.; DING, F.; LALL, V. Using data envelopment analysis to compare suppliers for supplier selection and performance improvement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 5, n. 3, p. 143-150, 2000.

LIN, T.; CHENG, Y; HUANG, M. The impact of supplier selection factor between supply chain management and human resource development. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND INFORMATION, 2008, Seoul. Proceedings... ATISR, 2008. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 22 jan. 2009.

MARTIN, C. The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in Volatile Markets. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 29, n. 1, p. 37-44, 2000.

McDERMOTT, C.; HANDFIELD, R. Concurrent development and strategic outsourcing: do the rules change in Breakthrough innovation? The Journal of High Technology Management Research, v. 11, n. 1, p. 35-57, 2000.

MEADE, L.; SARKIS, J. A conceptual model for selecting and evaluating third-party reverse logistics providers. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 7, n. 5, p. 283-295, 2002.

MURALIDHARAN, C.; ANANTHARAMAN, N.; DESHMUKH, S. G. A MuIti-Criteria Group Decisionmaking for Supplier Rating. The Joumal of Supply Chain Management, v. 38, n. 4, p. 22-33, 2002.

NARASIMHAN, R.; TALLURI, S.; MENDEZ, D. Supplier Evaluation and Rationalization via Data Envelopment Analysis: An Empirical Examination. The Jounal of Supply Chain Managemenrt, v. 37, n. 3, p. 28-37, 2001.

NEUMANN, C. S. R.; RIBEIRO, J. L. D. Desenvolvimento de fornecedores: um estudo de caso utilizando a troca rápida de ferramentas. Produção, v. 14, n. 1, p. 44-53, 2004.

NG, W. L. An efficient and simple model for multiple criteria supplier selection problem. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 186, p. 1059-1067, 2008.

OZKOK, B. A.; TIRYAKI, F. A compensatory fuzzy approach to multi-objective linear supplier selection problem with multiple-item. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 38, p. 11363-11368, 2011.

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