
“Packaging Logistics” for improving performance in supply chains: the role of meta-standards implementation

García-Arca, Jesús; Garrido, Alicia Trinidad González-Portela; Prado-Prado, José Carlos

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Integrated packaging design process arises as one key factor that could contribute to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of supply chains. This approach is called “packaging logistics”. Another managerial approach that is related to efficiency and sustainability is the implementation of “meta-standards” (ISO 9000 and ISO 14000). As both “packaging logistics” and “meta-standards” can contribute positively towards supply chain efficiency and sustainability, it becomes relevant to examine the relationship between them. In this study, we explore the potential relation between “meta-standards” (ISO 9000 and ISO 14000) and the implementation of the key aspects of “packaging logistics”. In addition, we explore the relation between “packaging logistics” and aspects of performance. This is accomplished through an exploratory study of the packaging design process of Spanish manufacturers in the food industry.


Packaging. Supply chain. Logistics. ISO 9000. ISO 14000.


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